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Rev. argent. cardiol ; 90(5): 340-345, set. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529528


RESUMEN Los especialistas en cardiología pueden sufrir estresores que afecten su salud, como inequidad laboral y violencia de género, además de padecer factores de riesgo (FR) tradicionales para enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) Objetivo: Detectar el nivel de bienestar, equidad laboral y violencia de género y conocer la prevalencia de los FR en especialistas en cardiología en Argentina Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, de corte transversal a través de una encuesta anónima realizada en septiembre de 2021 a los especialistas del padrón de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología. Se recabaron datos sobre equidad laboral, violencia laboral y doméstica y FR. Resultados: Participaron 611 profesionales (40,5% mujeres). El 63% trabajaba más de 44 horas semanales; 3 de cada 10 cumplían guardias de 12 o 24 horas (38,5% mujeres vs 28% varones, p <0,01). El 72% consideró excesiva la carga laboral, con remuneración no acorde a su formación académica (70%). La mitad de las cardiólogas encuestadas consideró que la maternidad limitó el desarrollo profesional en la especialidad. La violencia de género laboral fue más frecuente en las cardiólogas (58% vs 10% p <0,01) al igual que la violencia doméstica (16% vs 6% p <0,01). Los varones tenían más sobrepeso (67% vs 34% mujeres, p <0,01) y obesidad (16% vs 11%, p<0,01) y las mujeres resultaron ser más sedentarias (53% vs 45%, p< 0,01). Conclusión: Resultó evidente la disconformidad en las condiciones laborales en ambos sexos y la mayor prevalencia de violencia de género laboral y doméstica en las especialistas mujeres encuestadas. A pesar de contar con el conocimiento sobre ECV y FR los especialistas encuestados tienen una alta prevalencia de FR.

ABSTRACT Background: Cardiology specialists may suffer from stressors that affect their health, such as labor inequity and gender violence, in addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors (RF) for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Objective: The aim of this study was to detect the level of well-being, labor equity and gender violence and to establish the prevalence of CRF in cardiology specialists in Argentina. Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional study through an anonymous survey conducted in September 2021 among specialists included in the Argentine Society of Cardiology registry. Data on labor equity, labor and domestic violence and CRF were collected. Results: Six hundred and eleven professionals (40.5% women) participated in the survey: 63% worked more than 44 hours per week; 3 out of 10 were on duty for 12 or 24 hours (38.5% women vs. 28% men, p<0.01). Seventy-two percent of respondents considered the workload excessive while 70% thought their payment was not in accordance with the academic training. Half of female cardiologists surveyed considered that motherhood limited professional development in the specialty. Work-related violence was more frequent in female cardiologists (58% vs. 10% p <0.01), as was domestic violence (16% vs. 6% p <0.01). Men were more overweight (67% men vs. 34% women, p <0.01) and obese (16% vs. 11%, p <0.01) and women were more sedentary (53% vs. 45%, p <0.01). Conclusion: The disconformity in working conditions experienced by both genders was evident, as was the evidence of higher workplace and domestic gender violence in the female specialists surveyed. Despite having knowledge about CVD and cardiovascular RF, the surveyed specialists have a high prevalence of RF.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 90(5): 353-358, set. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529530


RESUMEN El seguimiento de los graduados en una carrera es un indicador de la calidad educativa de la misma. Su labor profesional y académica permite evaluar los resultados de los programas instituidos a largo plazo. Objetivo: Explorar la percepción de los egresados de la Carrera de Médico Especialista (CME) en cardiología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) sede Hospital Argerich sobre la calidad de la formación recibida durante la carrera; conocer su inserción laboral en el mundo profesional, y la realización de subespecialidades. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, realizado del 1° al 31 de enero de 2020. Se diseñó una encuesta de opinión autoadministrada a través de El universo encuestado fueron 28 egresados de 7 promociones consecutivas (año de admisión 2010-2016) de la Carrera de Médico Especialista (CME) en cardiología UBA-sede Argerich. Resultados: Del total de los egresados contestaron la encuesta 25 (89,2%). La edad promedio fue 34 años, sexo masculino 14 (56%). Se realizaron preguntas para la evaluación global, valoración de la actividad científica y académica en la Sede del Hospital, al igual que la valoración del Curso Bianual de Cardiología en la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología. Las respuestas en su mayoría fueron favorables Los egresados continúan ejerciendo la profesión en un 100%, el 76% se perfeccionó en una subespecialidad. Conclusiones: Los egresados de la CME en cardiología sede Hospital Argerich perciben que su formación ha sido muy buena o excelente y ha contribuido a su desarrollo profesional de manera esencial. Toda la información recabada genera una fuente de información para retroalimentar y optimizar la enseñanza en la institución formadora.

ABSTRACT Background: Follow-up of graduates in a career is an indicator of educational quality, and their professional and academic work allows evaluating the results of long-term instituted programs Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the perception of graduates from the postgraduate specialist course (PSC) in cardiology at University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Hospital Argerich venue on the quality of training received, how they insert in the professional world, and their engagement in subspecialties. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from January 1 to 31, 2020. A self-administered opinion survey was designed using and submitted to 28 graduates of the PSC in cardiology UBA-Hospital Argerich, corresponding to 7 consecutive promotions (2010-2016 years of admission). Results: The survey was answered by 25 graduates (89.2%). Mean age was 34 years and 14 (56%) were men. The questions explored the global assessment, the evaluation of the scientific and academic activity at the hospital venue as well as that of the Argentine Society of Cardiology Biennial Course of Cardiology. Most of the answers were favorable. All the graduates continue practicing the profession and 76% have received advanced training in a subspecialty. Conclusions: Graduates from the PSC in cardiology at Hospital Argerich perceive that their training has been very good or excellent and has been essential for their professional development. All the data collected are a source of information to provide feedback and optimize teaching in the training institution.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(3): 232-236, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356879


RESUMEN Introducción: Gran cantidad de estudios confirman los beneficios de la actividad física, pero existen escasas publicaciones sobre cómo se prescribe durante la consulta médica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el grado de conocimiento y la actitud de los cardiólogos respecto a las recomendaciones existentes sobre actividad física. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional y transversal (n = 299 cardiólogos), que respondieron una encuesta virtual. Se analizó el perfil del cardiólogo, grado de conocimiento, planificación y satisfacción. Se analizaron las respuestas según género, presencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y años de especialista. Resultados: El 70% de los participantes realiza actividad física según recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. El 98,99% recomienda actividad física y 80,74% la prescribe. Solo el 31,85% ha realizado formación de posgrado que incluyera conocimientos sobre prescripción. Los cardiólogos que presentan factores de riesgo cardiovascular son mayoritariamente varones y realizan menos actividad física que el resto. Los que tienen más años de especialista consideran con mayor frecuencia el sedentarismo como factor de riesgo y prescriben más actividad física. Conclusión: La encuesta realizada permitió conocer el perfil prescriptivo de los cardiólogos respecto de la actividad física. La falta de información parece ser el mayor obstáculo para la generalización de la prescripción.

ABSTRACT Background: A large number of studies confirm the benefits of physical activity, but only a few publications describe on how it is prescribed during the medical consultation. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of knowledge and attitude of cardiologists about existing recommendations on physical activity. Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional study performed on 229 cardiologists responding to a virtual survey. The profile, degree of knowledge, planning and satisfaction of each cardiologist were analyzed. Responses were evaluated according to gender, cardiovascular risk factors, and years as a specialist. Results: Seventy percent of participants met Health Organization recommendations for physical activity, 98.99% recommended physical activity and 80.74% prescribed it. Only 31.85% had completed postgraduate training that included knowledge on physical activity prescription. Cardiologists with cardiovascular risk factors were mostly men and were less engaged in physical activity than the rest. Those with more years as specialist were likely to consider sedentary lifestyle as a risk factor, and prescribed more physical activity. Conclusion: This survey provides knowledge on the prescription profile of cardiologists associated with physical activity. Lack of information seems to be the greatest obstacle to prescription generalization.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 116(4): 774-781, abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285205


Resumo Fundamento: Principal causa de morte em todo o mundo, as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) e sua prevalência nos médicos cardiologistas são pouco conhecidas. Objetivos: Descrever os hábitos de vida e os fatores de risco cardiovascular e verificar a prevalência de diagnóstico, conhecimento e controle dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares (FRCV) de médicos cardiologistas associados e especialistas pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. Métodos: Estudo multicêntrico nacional transversal que avaliou cardiologistas brasileiros por meio de questionário sobre hábitos de vida, doenças preexistentes, medicações em uso, medidas antropométricas, pressão arterial e dosagens de glicose e lípideos sanguíneos. Resultados: Foram avaliados 555 cardiologistas, 67,9% do sexo masculino, média de idade de 47,2±11,7 anos. A maioria era não tabagista (88,7%), fisicamente ativa (77,1%), consumia bebida alcóolica (78,2%), com circunferência abdominal normal (51,7%) e excesso de peso (56,1%). As prevalências de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), diabetes mellitus (DM) e dislipidemia (DLP) foram de 32,4%, 5,9% e 49,7%, respectivamente e, destes, apenas 57,2%, 45,5% e 49,6% sabiam ter as doenças. Conclusões: Os cardiologistas brasileiros participantes do estudo apresentaram prevalências significativas de HAS, DM e DLP, mas apenas a metade dos participantes sabia ser portador dessas condições e, entre eles, as taxas de controle eram baixas para HAS e DLP, apesar de os cardiologistas serem profissionais detentores de conhecimento diferenciado sobre esses FRCV. Os achados representam um alerta para a abordagem dos FRCV em cardiologistas brasileiros e estimulam a realização de estudos futuros.

Abstract Background: A major cause of death worldwide, cardiovascular diseases and their prevalence in cardiologists are little known. Objectives: To describe life habits and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) and to investigate the prevalence of diagnosis, awareness, and control of these CVRF among cardiologists members affiliated to and specialists from the Brazilian Society of Cardiology. Methods: National multicenter cross-sectional study to assess Brazilian cardiologists using a questionnaire on life habits, preexisting diseases, current medications, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, and levels of glucose and lipids. Results: A total of 555 cardiologists were evaluated, of which 67.9% were male, with a mean age of 47.2±11.7 years. Most were non-smoker (88.7%) and physically active (77.1%), consumed alcohol (78.2%), had normal weight circumference (51.7%), and were overweight (56.1%). The prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), diabetes mellitus (DM), and dyslipidemia (DLP) were 32.4%, 5.9%, and 49.7%, respectively, of which only 57.2%, 45.5%, and 49.6%, respectively, were aware of the diseases. Conclusions: The Brazilian cardiologists participating in the study had a high prevalence of SAH, DM and DLP, but only a half of participants were aware of these conditions and, among these, the rates of controlled disease were low for SAH and DLP, although cardiologists are professionals with great knowledge about these CVRF. These findings represent a warning sign for the approach of CVRF in Brazilian cardiologists and encourage the conduction of future studies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Cardiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Specialization , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Middle Aged
J. health inform ; 12(3): 83-91, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371078


Objetivos: Este artigo relata a construção de um Sistema Multiagente para a tomada de decisão sobre o estado cardíaco de pacientes, usando uma base de dados real. Métodos: O sistema foi implementado com dois cardiologistas principais (Médico e Doutor) e um especialista (Especialista), onde, se houver discordância entre os dois primeiros, o Especialista é chamado para ser feito o desempate. Foi utilizado o framework Jason (que une AgentSpeak-L e Java) para o sistema e o software Weka para a criação da árvore de decisão do agente Especialista. Resultados: Como resultado, o agente Médico (com 72% de acerto) obteve melhores resultados que o agente Doutor, onde o Especialista foi utilizado como o validador. Conclusão: O uso de Sistemas Multiagentes pode auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisão em sistemas de área da saúde.

Objectives: This paper presents a Multiagent System to assist decision making on patients' heart state, using a real dataset. Methods: The system has two cardiologists (Physician and Doctor) and one expert (Specialist). If the Physician and Doctor Agents do not agree with each other, the Specialist agent is called to give a third opinion. We have used the Jason platform (which merge AgentSpeak-L and Java) for the system and the software Weka to generate the decision tree used by the Specialist. Results: As a result, the Physician (with 72% of accuracy) obtained better results than the Doctor. The Specialist was used as the validator. Conclusion: The use of Multiagent Systems can help in the decision-making process in healthcare systems.

Objetivos: Este artículo informa sobre la construcción de un Sistema Multiagente para la toma de decisiones sobre el estado cardíaco de los pacientes, utilizando una base de datos real. Métodos: El sistema se implementa de tal manera que hay dos cardiólogos principales (Médico y Doctor) y un especialista (Especialista), donde, si hay desacuerdo entre los dos primeros, el Especialista es llamado para que sea el desempate. Utilizamos la plataforma Jason (que une AgentSpeak-L y Java) para el sistema y el software Weka para crear el árbol de decisión del agente experto. Resultados: Como resultado, el Agente Médico (con 72% correcto) obtuvo los mejores resultados entre los dos y el Experto fue validado como experto para la base. Conclusión: El uso de sistemas multiagente puede ayudar en el proceso de toma de decisiones en los sistemas de salud.

Humans , Software , Communication , Decision Making , Data Mining , Cardiologists , Heart Diseases
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 91(1): 14-20, feb. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088843


Resumen: Introducción: el electrocardiograma (ECG) es una prueba sencilla de realizar en atención primaria, de fácil acceso y bajo costo. Varios estudios que comparan la interpretación de la lectura del ECG de médicos de familia e internistas en relación con cardiológos muestran las dificultades en la interpretación de los mismos por parte de los primeros. No se encontraron estudios que realicen comparaciones con pediatras. Objetivo: valorar la competencia de dos posgrados de Pediatría para leer ECG, que reciben entrenamiento convencional previo. Material y método: previo al inicio del trabajo se realizó capacitación en lectura de ECG para los posgrados de Pediatría de forma de sistematizar la lectura de éste a cargo de un cardiólogo pediatra. Estudio transversal, prospectivo, doble ciego donde dos posgrados de Pediatría interpretaron los ECG y luego fueron evaluados por cardiólogo pediatra, sin ninguno conocer la interpretación de los demás, ni de quién era el trazado. Un investigador externo realizó la comparación de los estudios. Se solicitó autorización a la Dirección General y al Comité de Ética. La participación fue voluntaria, previo consentimiento informado. Población: se incluyeron todos los ECG de los niños entre 5-15 años que asistieron a la Jornada de evaluación predeportiva. Se realizó ECG de 12 derivaciones por técnico neumocardiólogo a todos los niños. Materiales: se utilizó una ficha precodificada para el registro de las variables. Se anotó: frecuencia cardíaca, ritmo, onda p, intervalo PR, eje eléctrico, QRS, QTc, onda T y segmento ST. Se consideró frecuencia cardíaca normal entre 60-110 lpm; intervalo PR 0,12-0,20 s, QTC valor normal entre 0,33-0,44seg. Resultados: se analizaron 209 ECG de niños y adolescentes. En la onda P, el ritmo y el eje eléctrico hubo una concordancia de 100%. El índice de concordancia superó el 73% en todas las variables, alcanzando una coincidencia del orden de 95%. Sin embargo, para frecuencia cardíaca y QRS, si bien el valor puntual de kappa puede considerarse aceptable, los límites inferiores de los intervalos de confianza están posicionados en valores inferiores a los aceptables.

Summary: Introduction: electrocardiograms (ECGs) are accessible, low cost tests, simple to perform at primary care level. Several studies have compared ECG readings made by family doctors and internists to those made by cardiologists and they have shown that the former have difficulties interpreting them. No studies were found that made such comparisons with pediatricians. Objective: assess the competence to read ECGs shown by pediatricians who had previously received conventional training. Material and methods: prior to the start of the study, a Pediatric Cardiologist trained Pediatricians to read and interpret ECGs in order to systematize the reading approach. Cross-sectional, prospective, double-blind study where two Pediatricians interpreted ECGs and were later assessed by a Pediatric Cardiologist. Pediatricians did not know the colleague's readings or whose ECGs they were interpreting. An external researcher compared them. Authorization was requested from the General Management Department and from the Ethics Committee. Participation was voluntary, and prior informed consent was obtained. The population included ECGs of children aged between 5-15 years of old who attended the Pre-Assessment Sports Day. A pneumologist-cardiologist performed ECGs on 12 children. Materials: A pre-coded file was used to record the variables: heart rate, rhythm, p wave, PR interval, electric axis, QRS, QTc, T wave and ST segment. 60-110 bpm was considered a normal heart rate; PR interval 0.12-0.20 sec, QTC normal value between 0.33-0.44 sec. Results: the study analyzed results of 209 children and adolescents' ECGs. There was 100% concordance between the rhythm and the electrical axis for the P wave. The concordance index exceeded 73% for all the variables and it reached a concordance of about 95%. However, for heart rate and QRS, although the Kappa point value can be considered acceptable, the confidence interval lower limits were lower than acceptable.

Resumo: Introdução: O eletrocardiograma (ECG) é um exame acessível, de baixo custo e simples de realizar no nível de atenção primária. Vários estudos compararam as leituras de eletrocardiograma realizadas por médicos de família e médicos de clínica geral com aquelas realizadas por cardiologistas e mostraram que os primeiros têm dificuldades em interpretá-las. Não encontramos estudos que fizessem tais comparações com pediatras. Objetivo: avaliar a competência para interpretar ECGs de dois pediatras que tinham recebido treinamento convencional. Material e métodos: Antes do início do estudo, um cardiologista pediátrico treinou pediatras para ler e interpretar ECGs, a fim de sistematizar a abordagem de interpretação. Estudo transversal, prospectivo, duplo-cego, em que dois pediatras interpretaram ECGs e posteriormente foram avaliados por um cardiologista pediátrico. Os pediatras não conheciam as leituras dos colegas ou a quem pertenciam os resultados dos ECGs. Um pesquisador externo os comparou. A Gerência Geral e o Comitê de Ética deram autorização para realizar o estudo. A participação foi voluntária, com consentimento prévio e informado. A população incluiu ECGs de crianças de entre 5 e 15 anos de idade que compareceram à Pré-Avaliação no Dia de Esportes. Um pneumologista-cardiologista realizou ECGs em 12 crianças. Materiais: Um arquivo pré-codificado foi utilizado para registrar as variáveis: frequência cardíaca, ritmo, onda P, intervalo PR, eixo elétrico, QRS, QTc, onda T e segmento ST. 60-110 bpm foi considerado uma frequência cardíaca normal; Intervalo PR 0,12-0,20 s, valor normal do QTC entre 0,33-0,44 s. Resultados: analisaram-se 209 eletrocardiogramas de crianças e adolescentes. Na onda P, o ritmo e o eixo elétrico atingiram 100% de concordância. O índice de concordância superou 73% em todas as variáveis atingindo uma concordância aproximada de 95%. No caso de frequência cardíaca e QRS, embora o valor de Kappa possa ser considerado aceitável, os limites inferiores dos intervalos de confiança estão posicionados em valores inferiores aos aceitáveis.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 90(supl.1): 26-32, may. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152839


Resumen La pandemia por COVID-19 decretada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) desde el 12 de marzo de 2020 está produciendo estragos a nivel mundial y es un verdadero reto económico, social y sanitario. Aunque las manifestaciones clínicas del COVID-19 son síntomas respiratorios, algunos pacientes también tienen síntomas cardiológicos. Dentro de los pacientes con afecciones cardiológicas2 suponen un grupo de mayor riesgo y que de hecho son un grupo especialmente vulnerable, por su mayor riesgo de contagio y mayor gravedad en caso de adquirir la enfermedad1 aquellos con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC), incluyendo al trasplante cardiaco (TC) y las asistencias ventriculares, así como los pacientes con hipertensión arterial pulmonar (HAP). La IC es la principal patología cardiovascular crónica y los pacientes en este grupo son los más vulnerables para el desarrollo de cuadros clínicos más graves tras sufrir la infección, y en mayor medida los casos con IC avanzada3. De hecho, la IC es unas de las complicaciones más frecuentes en los pacientes con COVID-194. De igual forma, los pacientes trasplantados que requieren de los inmunosupresores para evitar el rechazo del injerto, constituyen una población especialmente susceptible a la infección y a desarrollar procesos más graves. Esta situación ha hecho que la Asociación Nacional de Cardiólogos de México (ANCAM) y la Sociedad Mexicana de Cardiología (SMC) junto con sus respectivos capítulos, hayan elaborado las siguientes recomendaciones para el personal médico, que participa en la atención de este grupo especial de pacientes en los diferentes escenarios clínicos, que padezcan o no, COVID-19.

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic decreed by the World Health Organization (WHO) since March 12, 2020 is wreaking havoc globally and it is a true economic, social and health challenge. Although the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are respiratory symptoms, some patients also have cardiological symptoms. Among patients with cardiological conditions2 they represent a group of higher risk and, in fact, they are a particularly vulnerable group, due to their higher risk of contagion and greater severity in case of acquiring the disease1 those with heart failure (HF), including heart transplant (CT) and ventricular assists, as well as patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). HF is the main chronic cardiovascular disease and patients in this group are the most vulnerable for the development of more serious clinical symptoms after suffering the infection, and to a greater extent cases with advanced HF3. In fact, HF is one of the most frequent complications in patients with COVID-194. Likewise, transplant patients who require immunosuppressants to avoid graft rejection, constitute a population especially susceptible to infection and to develop more serious processes. This situation has made the National Association of Cardiologists of Mexico (ANCAM) and the Mexican Society of Cardiology (SMC) together with their respective chapters, have prepared the following recommendations for medical personnel, who participate in the care of this special group of patients in the different clinical settings, who suffer or not, of COVID-19.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/complications , Cardiovascular Diseases/virology , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Heart Failure/virology , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Pneumonia, Viral/virology , Severity of Illness Index , Cardiovascular Diseases/physiopathology , Cardiovascular Diseases/therapy , Risk Factors , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Heart Failure/physiopathology , Heart Failure/therapy , Mexico
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 113(1): 62-68, July 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011226


Abstract Background: Data from the international literature have shown changes in the profile of cardiologists and in their medical practices. However, there is no data on this in Brazilian cardiologists. Objective: To evaluate professional and personal characteristics of a sample of Brazilian cardiologists. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study; a questionnaire was sent by e-mail to cardiologists, active members of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology in 2017. The results were analyzed, and the level of significance set at p < 0.05. Results: The questionnaire was sent to 13,462 cardiologists, with 2,101 (15.6%) respondents, mostly men (71.8% versus 28.2%). Age distribution and marital status were significantly different between the sexes (p < 0.001). The number of cardiologists without children was higher among women (40.5% versus 16.1%; p < 0.001). The most common place of work was the public hospital (46.5%), followed by private hospital (28.5%) and private office (21.1%). The office was the main place of work for 23.9% of men and 14% of women (p < 0.001), with predominance of individuals older than 50 years (31.7% versus 10.1%, respectively; p < 0.001). Most cardiologists (64.2%) worked more than 40 hours a week (69% of them men and 51.9% of the women; p < 0.001). Eighty-eight percent of the sample earned more than BRL 11,000 (US$ 3,473.43), and 66.5% of the men earned more than BRL 20,000 (US$ 6,315.32) per month, versus 31.2% of the women (p < 0.001). A high level of work-related stress was reported by 11.3% of respondents. Conclusion: Most cardiologists were men, who showed higher workload and higher income; 11.3% of the cardiologists perceived stress as a great deal.

Resumo Fundamento: Dados internacionais mostram mudanças no perfil e nas características da atuação dos cardiologistas. No entanto, não há na literatura dados acerca da realidade brasileira. Objetivo: Avaliar as características profissionais e pessoais de amostra de cardiologistas brasileiros. Método: Estudo transversal realizado por meio de questionário enviado via e-mail para os cardiologistas adimplentes da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia em 2017. Os resultados foram analisados considerando nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: Foram enviados 13.462 questionários, havendo 2.101 (15,6%) respostas, com predominância de homens (71,8% versus 28,2%). A distribuição etária e o estado civil foram significativamente diferentes entre os gêneros (p < 0,001). O número de cardiologistas sem filhos foi maior entre as mulheres (40,5% versus 16,1%; p < 0,001). O local de trabalho mais frequente foi hospital público (46,5%), seguido por hospital privado (28,5%) e consultório privado (21,1%). O consultório é a principal atividade de 23,9% dos homens e 14% das mulheres (p < 0,001), predominantemente entre aqueles com mais de 50 anos (31,7% versus 10,1%, respectivamente; p < 0,001). A maioria (64,2%) trabalha mais de 40 horas semanais (69% dos homens e 51,9% das mulheres; p < 0,001). A renda mensal de 88% é superior a R$ 11.000 (US$ 3,473.43), e 66,5% dos homens recebem mais que R$ 20.000,00 (US$ 6,315.32) mensais, contra 31,2% das mulheres (p < 0,001). Nível elevado de estresse foi relatado por 11,3%. Conclusões: Os homens são maioria entre os cardiologistas, têm maior carga de trabalho e renda superior à das mulheres. A taxa de estresse em grande proporção foi de 11,3%.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Cardiologists/statistics & numerical data , Quality of Life , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workload
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 112(4): 392-399, Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001281


Abstract Background: Posterior subcapsular cataract is a tissue reaction commonly found among professionals exposed to ionizing radiation. Objective: To assess the prevalence of cataract in professionals working in hemodynamics in Brazil. Methods: Professionals exposed to ionizing radiation (group 1, G1) underwent slit lamp examination with a biomicroscope for lens examination and compared with non-exposed subjects (group 2, G2). Ophthalmologic findings were described and classified by opacity degree and localization using the Lens Opacities Classification System III. Both groups answered a questionnaire on work and health conditions to investigate the presence of risk factors for cataract. The level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05). Results: A total of 112 volunteers of G1, mean age of 44.95 (±10.23) years, and 88 volunteers of G2, mean age of 48.07 (±12.18) years were evaluated; 75.2% of G1 and 85.2% of G2 were physicians. Statistical analysis between G1 and G2 showed a prevalence of posterior subcapsular cataract of 13% and 2% in G1 and G2, respectively (0.0081). Considering physicians only, 38% of G1 and 15% of G2 had cataract, with the prevalence of posterior subcapsular cataract of 13% and 3%, respectively (p = 0.0176). Among non-physicians, no difference was found in the prevalence of cataract (by types). Conclusions: Cataract was more prevalent in professionals exposed to ionizing radiation, with posterior subcapsular cataract the most frequent finding.

Resumo Fundamento: A catarata subcapsular posterior é uma reação tecidual encontrada com frequência nos profissionais expostos à radiação ionizante. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de catarata nos profissionais que atuam na área de hemodinâmica no Brasil. Métodos: Profissionais expostos à radiação ionizante (grupo 1, G1) foram submetidos ao exame biomicroscópico com lâmpada de fenda para avaliação do cristalino, e comparados aos não expostos (grupo 2, G2). Os achados foram descritos e classificados quanto ao grau de opacidade e localização por meio do Lens opacities classification system III. Ambos os grupos responderam questionário sobre condições de trabalho e de saúde para afastar fatores de risco para catarata, e foram comparados quanto aos achados. Foi utilizado um nível de significância de 5% (p < 0,05). Resultados: Foram avaliados 112 voluntários (G1) com média de idade 44,95 (±10,23) anos e 88 voluntários (G2) com média de 48,07 (±12,18) anos. Desses, 75,2% (G1) e 85,2% (G2) eram médicos. A análise estatística entre os grupos G1 e G2 mostrou uma prevalência da catarata no grupo G1 de 33% comparada ao G2 de 16% (p = 0,0058), sendo a catarata subcapsular posterior presente em 13% no G1 e 2% no G2 (p = 0,0081). Considerando apenas os médicos, 38% no G1 e 15% no G2 (p = 0,0011) apresentaram catarata, sendo a subcapsular posterior 13% e 3% (p = 0,0176), respectivamente. No grupo dos profissionais não médicos, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na prevalência dos achados oftalmológicos. Conclusões: A catarata esteve mais presente no grupo de profissionais expostos à radiação ionizante, sendo que a catarata subcapsular posterior foi o dano tecidual mais encontrado.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Cataract/epidemiology , Radiation Exposure/adverse effects , Cardiologists/statistics & numerical data , Lens, Crystalline/radiation effects , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Radiation, Ionizing , Cataract/etiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Statistics, Nonparametric , Radiation Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Eye Protective Devices/statistics & numerical data , Hemodynamics , Occupational Diseases/etiology
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 51(8): e7413, 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951746


Complementary examinations are "inadequate" whenever the likelihood of benefits from their indication is lower than the negative results. The low benefit is a result of poor performance in detecting relevant changes that lead to improved behavior. However, inadequate examinations are prevalent and little is known about patients' notions of the usefulness of such indications. The aim of this study was to describe relevant findings in inappropriate echocardiograms and to assess the level of agreement between patients and cardiologists regarding their usefulness. Adults without known cardiovascular disease who were referred for echocardiogram by inappropriate criteria according to the American College of Cardiology were selected. Relevant findings were defined by any change in the degree of moderate to severe, according to the American Society of Echocardiography. We tested the level of agreement between the patients who underwent echocardiographic examination and the physicians who requested the exam through a standard questionnaire. Five hundred patients were included, with average age of 52±17 years (47% males). Only 17 patients had any relevant changes (3.4%, 95%CI=2 to 5.4%). The most frequent alterations included valve changes in 8 and diastolic dysfunction grade II in 6 patients. Eighty-seven examinations were performed to determine the level of agreement between patients and cardiologists. For the question "Is this test really necessary?", 92% of patients responded positively, compared with 5% of cardiologists (Kappa negative 0.04; P=0.01). The frequency of relevant findings was low in inadequate echocardiograms and patients and cardiologists had a different perception regarding its usefulness.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Echocardiography/statistics & numerical data , Attitude , Unnecessary Procedures/psychology , Cardiologists/statistics & numerical data , Heart Diseases/diagnosis , Severity of Illness Index , Echocardiography/standards , Attitude of Health Personnel , Surveys and Questionnaires , Educational Status , Cardiologists/psychology , Heart Diseases/psychology
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 82(5): 389-395, oct. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-734528


Introducción: Pese a que los estudios sobre calidad de vida profesional han incluido distintas clases de profesionales de la salud, no existen publicaciones al respecto de los médicos cardiólogos en Latinoamérica y en particular en la Argentina. Objetivo: Estudiar mediante una encuesta la calidad de vida profesional de los cardiólogos en la Argentina. Material y métodos: Se trató de un estudio observacional y transversal con un cuestionario validado de acuerdo con distintas características métricas. La encuesta se realizó desde abril a junio de 2007 y tuvo carácter anónimo. El cuestionario autoadministrado estuvo constituido por 14 preguntas separadas en tres dominios que midieron: la percepción de la situación laboral del cardiólogo, la realización personal y la expectativa de futuro. Resultados: De 972 cardiólogos de todo el país contactados por e-mail, completaron la encuesta 717 (74%). Los indicadores de calidad de vida profesional mostraron que el 53,5% (383) de los cardiólogos cree que su situación laboral actual es regular o mala y el 61,0% (437) cree que esto no mejorará en el futuro. El 77,4% (555) está preocupado por su estabilidad laboral y el 82,9% (595) cree que podría ser demandado por mala praxis. En relación con la expectativa de futuro, el 17,3% (124) de los cardiólogos no volvería a elegir la especialidad, el 24,3% (174) no volvería a estudiar medicina y el 37,7% (270) no estaría satisfecho si un hijo decidiese estudiar medicina. Conclusiones: Esta primera encuesta sobre calidad de vida profesional de los cardiólogos en la Argentina describe la percepción de estos especialistas sobre su situación laboral, realización personal y profesional y expectativa de futuro. Los datos que surgen de la encuesta revelan un claro panorama de insatisfacción de los cardiólogos argentinos en el actual sistema organizativo de la salud.

Background: Despite studies on professional quality of life have included different types of health care professionals, there are no publications addressing the professional quality of life of cardiologists in Latin America, particularly in Argentina. Objective: The aim of this study is to use a survey to evaluate the professional quality of life of Argentine cardiologists. Methods: This observational, cross-sectional study consisted of a questionnaire validated according to different metric characteristics. The survey was conducted from April to June 2007 and was anonymous. The self-administered questionnaire consisted of 14 questions, separated in three domains measuring the cardiologist perception of the work situation, self-fulfillment and expectation about the future. Results: Among 972 cardiologists from all the country contacted by e-mail, 717 (74%) completed the survey. The indicators of professional quality of life demonstrated that 53.5% (383) of cardiologists believe that their current work situation is fair or bad and 61.0% (437) believe that this situation will not improve in the future; 77.4% (555) are worried about their job security and 82.9% (595) believe they could be sued for malpractice. Regarding the expectation about the future domain, 17.3% (124) of cardiologists would not choose the specialty again, 24.3% (174) would not study medicine again and 37.7% (270) would not be satisfied if one of his/her children decided to study medicine. Conclusions: This first survey on professional quality of life of Argentine cardiologists describes how these specialists perceive their work situation, self-fulfillment, professional achievement and expectation about the future. This information reveals a clear state of dissatisfaction among Argentine cardiologists within the current organization of the health care system.

Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 1157-1160, 2011.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-422914


Objective To evaluate the safety,feasibility and efficacy of emergency percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)on the spot in the patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI)in country hospitals by interventional cardiologists from higher-level hospitals(converse transport).Methods A total of 81 AMI patients received emergency PCI on the spot by interventional cardiologists from other higher-level hospitals (transported doctors)from Mar 2004 to Sep 2008 in our hospital.The mean age of patients was 68.6 ± 3.6 years (36.0-83.0 years).Forty-six patients were male and 35 were female.There were 56 cases with anterior myocardial infarction and 25 with inferior myocardial infarction(including 11 cases combined with right ventricular infarction).The average time from symptom onset to admission was 6.2 ± 1.8 hours(2.0-12.0hours).Results Three cases were transported to higher-level hospitals for CABG because of severe conditions.The other 78 cases received emergency PCI on the spot,among whom 66 cases received primary PCI.Another 12 cases received rescue PCI.Eight one stents were implanted in total into the infarcted arteries.One operation was failed because the balloon could not go through the lesion.The success.rate was 98.7%.Four patients occurred peri-operative cardiac adverse events and 2 cases died.Four cases died during the 32-86 months follow-up,of whom I was cardiac death and 3 was non-cardiac deaths.No fatal cardiovascular events occurred in the remained cases.Conclusion Emergency PCI on the spot by interventional cardiologists from other cities(converse transport PCI)in AMI is safe,feasible and effective.But it needs to be confirmed in a large-scale study in the future.